[Maptime-Salzburg] 🗺Wed. 26th June 🌍 Maptime BBQ 👻"What’s Behind Viral Maps?"

Jakob Miksch jakob.miksch at posteo.eu
Tue Jun 18 17:44:18 CEST 2019


On the 26th of June we will be having an evening of grilling following a 
20 minute talk by Dr. Anthony Robinson, Associate Professor at Penn 
State. His research focuses on cartography, geography, visual analytics 
and online learning and he will be talking about viral maps.

*Guest Speaker*: Dr. Anthony Robinson <https://sites.psu.edu/arobinson/>

*Overview*: It’s now quite possible to create and share a map that is 
seen by thousands of people around the world with minimal effort. Maps 
that begin to spread rapidly via social media can be considered examples 
of viral cartography. In recent research, we have been working in the 
GeoVISTA Center at Penn State on developing new ways to analyze and 
understand maps in social media. In this talk I will show some of the 
progress we’ve made so far in analyzing and visualizing elements of 
design, dissemination, and disinformation related to viral maps.

*date*: Wednesday, 26th June

*time*: 18:30h talk, 19:00h grilling

*place*: iDEAS:lab <https://ideaslab.sbg.ac.at/>, Schillerstrasse 30, 
Techno-Z, Building/Bauteil XV [grilling outside between Campus3+4]

We will be meeting again at the iDEAS:lab <https://ideaslab.sbg.ac.at/>, 
generously made possible by Z_GIS <https://zgis.at/> and heading outside 
to grill afterwards. Beverages and light snacks will be available on a 
pay-what-you-can donation basis, but feel free to bring your own snacks 
or items to be grilled, either for yourself or to share.

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