[FOSSGIS-Talk] AGILE 2014 - Workshop “Digital Earth: What the hack?” - 3 June 2014

Florian Hillen fhillen at uni-osnabrueck.de
Mi Apr 2 10:17:32 CEST 2014

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Digital Earth: What the hack?*
AGILE 2014 Workshop on advancing co-creation in smart cities
3 June 2014, Castellón, Spain
Website: http://kartoweb.itc.nl/agilehackworkshop/

For more than five years, hackathons, hack days, hackfests and the like 
have been revolutionising software development all across our planet. 
However, hackathons only succeed if they are well prepared. They need a 
well-defined focus - including available data sets, programming language 
and operating system to be used, challenges to be addressed, etc.
This workshop will elaborate on the possibilities of using geospatial 
information and processing across multiple sectors, and thereby 
implementing Digital Earth applications, i.e. applications of 
next-generation Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Data 
Infrastructure (SDI). With this event, we initiate a coordinated 
discussion on the topic and through published guidelines prepare the 
ground for organizing future hackathons and mapathons. We will 
particularly investigate possibilities for organizing parallel events as 
competitions between (smart) cities.
After the event, we intent to co-author a white paper on the identified 
issues, our joint conclusions and possible follow up activities.

*Your contribution*
For optimal use of our joint time, we invite everybody to submit 
(http://kartoweb.itc.nl/agilehackworkshop/question.html#box-what) that 
he/she proposes as kick-off questions for roundtable discussions during 
the workshop, questions which directly address issues to be considered 
in the organization of future hack-/mapathons. We also invite you to 
provide a brief and concise explanation about the relevance of your 
discussion question (Deadline: 20 May 2014). Participants will have the 
chance to briefly present their questions and a sub-set will be selected 
for detailed discussion during a World Café.

Submission of questions can be done on the workshop website 
(http://kartoweb.itc.nl/agilehackworkshop/). Here you also find the 
preliminary workshop program and further information.
For questions please feel free to contact the organisers: 
r.l.g.lemmens at utwente.nl

We are looking forward to meeting you in Spain!

Rob Lemmens, University of Twente - ITC
Sven Schade, European Commission - JRC
Florian Hillen, University of Osnabrück
Christine Richter, University of Amsterdam
Bernhard Höfle, University of Heidelberg
Yola Georgiadou, University of Twente - ITC

Florian Hillen, M.Sc.
Institute for Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing (IGF)
University of Osnabrueck
Barbarastr. 22b
D-49076 Osnabrueck

Phone: +49 541 969-3927
Fax:   +49 541 969-3939

E-Mail: fhillen at igf.uos.de
Web: www.igf.uni-osnabrueck.de